Saturday, December 20, 2008

Green Chatni

I may not be able to express this but will try my level best......

Recently I visited a wedding ( one of the few things which I dislike but have to for social reasons), the decor of the place was very beautiful, theme being Red and Gold.

Centre of the lawn had an enclosure for the people to sit and to keep the place warm there were huge heaters placed on the side of every table. The guests moving around were one of richest people in town, from the Big Business houses to Big Executives of the Corporate world were there.

After a round of social meetings, I decided to do my favourite thing in every Wedding party is to have a look at the Food ( A Big Foodie that I am ;) and love sniffing food ), there were cuisines from the various parts of the world. Being prepared in the most exotic way, in no time I was on a Food Sniffing ( oops!) Food Tasting spree.........

Now while on my Food Tasting Spree, started from the Thai food counter and had finished with the food stalls belonging from The East Asia, I reached the very own stall of Indian Food ( A Live Counter) this is where I just stopped and could not eat after that........ I had taken a Hot Tandoori Roti and was proceeding towards the other counter when my eye just stopped on the Two hands grinding something Green on the Slab.....on going closure there was some fresh chopped Green chillies....some cloves of garlic....Mint and Coriander....yes it was the very own Chatni that was being freshly ground....The two hands went non stop grinding and the people ( so called the filthy rich) kept coming to the counter served themselves with the Chatni and went ahead.....but I was stuck eyes went up to see the person behind was a lady in her mid Forties or maybe early Fifties....concentrating totally at her job.

Looking at her I thought...what was she there for in the middle of no where in a wedding party and grinding Chatni....surrounded by all unknown people who came to the counter served themselves with her preparation ( maybe some would have liked and some wouldn't have) not even paying attention on the hard work she was putting in.

Seeing her dedication and not bothered about her work....I stopped eating....I just served myself with some Chatni...tasted it and kept the plate down...I was done for the evening....dine with the food....there was allot of sadness on her face....I am sure she was there because it was necessary for her to be there....maybe when she started her life she would have never thought of this kind of life....where people around her eating did not even have the worth of what she was doing....just another live counter to make the party/dinner look attractive with a wonderful presentation.

The Chatni kept coming into the serving bowl till the last plate was picked by the guest.....and she was just paid Pea Nuts at the end of the Night.

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