As the day passed the brightness of the Mayur Mahal had started to reduce. Being the favourite room of the Nawab in the Harem, he spent most of his time with one of his queens of the day or better would be the flavour of the Day.
The Day was passing fast and Nawab Khan was still in the bed with Badi Bibi his favourite so called queen. Nawab Khan was in the room more than his usual time spent and that day he called for his clothes and his valet at the Mayur Mahal to get him ready for the day ahead.
Soon the Nawab was ready and out of Mayur Mahal, with a Paan in his mouth and decided to go the library instead of the Court. Reading was his second liking after Women.
The whole day passed he was still in the Library and reading, the aroma of lamb being cooked travelled from the royal kitchen into the library, the sunlight coming from the huge library windows seemed to be fading, this when Nawab Khan realised the time he had spent with his two loves " Women and Books".
Nawab Khan picked up the Holy Quran from one of the shelves in the library, wrapped himself with a beautiful beige colored Pashmina Jamawar Dushala, took off his Royal Turban from the head and replaced it with a white colored hand knitted skull cap and walked brisklly towards the exit as he was getting late for the evening Namaz.
The library was on the third floor of the Royal Palace which overlooked the beautiful Mughal Gardens where Khan would often spend time with his Queens during Winter Afternoons. He had reached the staircase when the two Royal Guards came behind him and an escort right in front of him to make sure enemy's man was deployed to harm the King in the not so well lit Staircase ( the only place in the whole palace which was not planned properly).
While going for his Namaz he was dressed like an ordinary man and he didnot appreciate an escort on his way to the Mosque, like always he asked the escort to follow him instead he following him. Khan had just started his journey when the Azan from the Mosque was heard, this made him panicked as it was clear sign of he being delayed for the Namaz, he started to descend fast down the staircase, at one of the turns in the staircase facing the west travelled straight into Khan's eyes, he shut his eyes with the brightness and loudly uttered "Allaha" and the next moment the Dushalla got stuck under his shoe and he tripped on the stairs.
Nawab Khan's Huge soldier body rolled down two floors to be senseless on ground zero. The Azan carried for next twenty minutes but the words were not going into Khan's ears. The great King was lying dead on the floor..... This was how the last day of his life was spent by the Great King.